Abril Titling
Only when a man's life comes to its end in prosperity dare we pronounce him happy.
Only when a man's life comes to its end in prosperity dare we pronounce him happy.
True to his own spirit.
Know the right time.
Character is destiny.
True to his own spirit.
One word brings another.
Man: a being in search of meaning.
Culture makes all men gentle.
Wisdom begins in wonder.
Old men are children twice.
Cleverness is not wisdom.
To the strongest.
Men are the dreams of a shadow.
I can fly a fig, a spade a spade.
The grapes are sour.
One word brings another.
Leave no stone unturned.
One word brings another.
A thing hard to track is fortune.
Whom the god loves die young.
Authority is never without hate.
Base gain is equal to ruin.
Prosperity is full of friends.
Culture makes all men gentle.
Man: a being in search of meaning.
Old men are children twice.
To the strongest.
Riches cover a multitude of woes.
Life is short, the art long.
Man: a being in search of meaning.
Whom the god loves die young.
Old men are children twice.
Life is short, the art long.
联系人 | 刘先生 | |
联系电话 | 010-82531813 | |
联系邮箱 | liubx@founder.com.cn |
自媒体 | 微博、微信公众号、抖音号、头条号、知乎等自媒体平台 |
企业网站 | 企业及旗下品牌自有官方网站 |
电商平台 | 京东、淘宝、天猫、苏宁、拼多多等在线交易平台 |
网络广告 | 互联网和移动端广告 |
产品包装 | 食品、日用百货、电器等各类实物产品 |
宣传物料 | 海报、宣传册、易拉宝、背景板、促销单页等(含电子版) |
宣传文稿 | 对外演示报告、新闻稿、工作汇报、年报财报等 |
广告投放 | 户外广告牌、电子屏、楼宇、车身、灯箱、报纸、杂志等 |
视频广告 | 网络视频、TVC、宣传片、视频短片等 |
影视作品 | 电视剧、电影、网剧、专题节目等 |