F2F El Dee Cons™
One who knows how to show and to accept kindness will be a friend better than any possession.
F2F EI Dee Cons 是Linotype中包含的41种Face2Face字体中的一种。Nagel自己设计了九个。”
The Face2Face (F2F) series was inspired by the techno sound of the mid-1990s, personal computers and new font creation software. For years, Thomas Nagel and his friends formed a unique type design collective, which churned out a substantial amount of fresh, new fonts, none of which complied with the traditional rules of typography. Many of these typefaces were used to create layouts for the leading German techno magazine of the 1990s, Frontpage. Nagel and his fellows would even set in type at 6 points, in order to make it nearly unreadable. It was a pleasure for the kids to read and decrypt these messages!
F2F EI Dee Cons one of 41 Face2Face fonts included in the Take Type 5 collection from Linotype. Nagel designed nine of these himself."