ITC Hedera™
Ignorant men don't know what good they hold in their hands until they've flung it away.
Ad Lib是由Freeman Craw于1961年为American Type Founders(ATF)而设计。一个粗体的Grotesque,圆润的字符中带有不规则的矩形字怀。这种字体是把字母图案剪出来的,因此有一些木刻的特征。一些小写字符有轻微的倾斜。最初提供了许多替代字符。独特的形状使该字体可用于广告和展示工作。
这种简化的哥特黑体字(blackletter)与20世纪二三十年代在德国特别流行的一家族字体具有一些相同的几何特征。它们的形式最初可能是希望将在诸如Luthersche Fraktur或Fette Fraktur字体中发现的传统的“Fraktur “形式与更现代的无衬线字体字体(如Basic Commercial或Futura)混合使用。ITC Honda的字母很窄且棱角分明。该字体可用于许多标题或徽标,设置为大尺寸时最易读。我们字体库中类似的字体是Linotype Gotharda。”
Carumba是加利福尼亚设计师Jill Bell的作品,顾名思义,它散发着活泼和节日的气息。字体包括三种不同风格的大写字母,并辅以通用的小写字母。Carumba非常适合任何有趣的事情!
Conference是一个大胆,好玩的无衬线字体,由Martin Wait在1978年设计。会议的来信很弯曲。他们中的许多人从他们的中心向外隆起。这种字体提供的感觉与大多数当代无衬线显示字体不同。会议很热闹,但又不影响可读性。该类型应设置为较大的显示尺寸,以使眼睛可以更好地欣赏其爱的形式。
ITC Cancione是加利福尼亚书法家和插画家Brenda Walton的灵感之作。她为她又高又细的全大写字母及其装饰赋予了一种粗糙的质感,使它们看起来好像是用刷子在石头上画的,从而经得起岁月的考验和磨损。优美的字母辅以各种装饰和花饰,以及替代字符,甚至风格化的词,使ITC Cancione成为贺卡和文具的理想之选。
Modern Twenty字体是一种具有经典现代派特征的显示设计,它是基于Ed Benguiat 于1982年的设计。
ITC Hedera's roots can be traced to a suite of initials intended for book design. Olivera Stojadinovic, the face's designer, made the first sketches for the initials with a handmade tool consisting of two flexible metal strips tied to a wooden handle. This makeshift pen created the distinctive uneven double strokes of the letterforms.
Stojadinovic says that she tried to keep the original flavor of the sketches in the finished font. Stroke roughness has been preserved in final execution, though the characters had some cleaning and polishing," she notes. Based on Renaissance letterforms, ITC Hedera has a classical quality that complements its calligraphic exuberance.
The name Hedera? According to Stojadinovic, "It's the name of a common ivy. I chose it because of the organic image of the character strokes, which, to me, resemble shapes from nature's leaves or stems of plants." Rough-hewn yet elegant, ITC Hedera is an exceptional display design."