Lucida® Sans Typewriter
A wise doctor does not mutter incantations over a sore that needs the knife.
Lucida Sans Typewriter adapts the humanized look of Lucida Sans to the fixed pitch of typewriter fonts, in which all letters have the same set width. The vertical proportions, strong stem weights, and crisp details of Lucida Sans are continued in the Lucida Sans Typewriter font family. The result is a strong, clear, fixed-pitch design that can be used wherever a functional, legible monospaced font is needed, in typewritten correspondence, memos, and telefaxes, in commercial forms, invoices, and packing lists, in programming and data processing applications, and in line printer emulations and terminal emulations. Lucida Sans Typewriter is economical in setting: at a 10 point size, it is equivalent to a 12 pitch typewriter font. For improved legibility in long lines of 80 characters or more, users can add extra line spacing, equivalent to 20% or more of the font size. When proportional fonts are needed for text to accompany Lucida Sans Typewriter, then Lucida Bright can be used.